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New Slope Ratings and New Tee Markers

Nudgee Golf Club is very excited to announce we will be trialling new slope-based ratings competition formats, as a result of Golf Australia recently confirming our new course slope ratings for both The Kurrai and The Bulka courses as well as introducing the new tee marker concept.

This will be a minor change from the norm of daily competitions, but we believe once fully implemented, will ensure every golfer of every level, male and female, will have great choice around how challenging they want to make their daily game, notwithstanding that playing good golf can some days just not happen regardless of the course difficulty/length.


Following Golf Australia’s policy and objectives around inclusion, equality and enjoyment, many clubs are now trialling skill-based tees, enabling the better golfers to play from the longest position (if they choose) while a shorter-hitting player can play from their choice of forward tees with their handicaps adjusted to reflect their personal selection.

In the recent past, some members have raised with the Club why we are not playing from the back tees or from the other extreme, suggesting the course is too long and therefore too difficult for their personal ability.  This new trial will leave that choice completely with each member participating in the competition of the day.

How the trial will be implemented:

Thanks to the handicap system and the recent review of both our courses ratings, as members arrive at the pro shop ready to pay for their competition, they will be able to advise what tee box/marker they wish to play from for the day’s competition.  The slope rating for the chosen tee box/marker applied to your Golf Handicap (GA) will give you your daily handicap for the ensuing round.  All you need to do then is stay on the same tee box/marker for every hole and enjoy your game.

The beauty of this concept is that you will still remain in the one competition of the day and compete against your fellow members but you will have full control over how you want to be challenged through your choice of course and the handicap that will be applied based on your choice. This same thinking is being applied worldwide to implement tee positions based on ability as opposed to existing gendered tees and from feedback to date, is being well received by golf club members, social clubs and social players.

Moving Forward:

Nudgee Golf Club has chosen to move away from traditional tee marker colours of blue, white and red and will be introducing new tee markers from hardest to easiest. Our new markers will reflect our local wildlife and will be the – Black Duck, Green Kite, Orange Egret and Silver Turtle.

New Slope Ratings:

Now that our two beautiful golf courses have been in full operation for 6 months, Golf Australia has been able to gather enough data to determine a separate slope rating for each tee box on both courses. Golf Australia will continue to review and adjust our slope ratings with the data received for the next 2-3 years whilst the courses are new.

What does this mean for competitions?

In competitions, players at the start of their round can select which tee to play from, their handicap will then be adjusted based on the slope handicap system. Nudgee will trial having out 3 tee positions on The Bulka and 4 positions on The Kurrai each with their own slope rating and every member (male or female) can choose which tee box to play off along with the corresponding slope rating.

As a member if you choose to move to a forward tee box, your handicap will be adjusted down and if you choose to go further back your handicap will increase.

For example, if your GA handicap is 18, the following will apply:

  • Black Duck – slope rating 136 (male), scratch rating 74, daily handicap will be 22
  • Black Duck – slope rating 145 (female), scratch rating 80, daily handicap will be 29
  • Silver Turtle – slope rating 124 (male), scratch rating 69, daily handicap will be 16
  • Silver Turtle -slope rating 132 (female), scratch rating 74, daily handicap will be 21

As a trial, all tee blocks will be incorporated into the same competition. So, if you would like the most challenging tee blocks you can choose the Black Duck or if you are feeling like a less stressful round you can choose to move forward to one of the other shorter tee positions, all whilst still competing in the field.

Nudgee Golf Club looks forward to introducing this over the next month or so and gaining feedback in the trial period of what works and what doesn’t.  It is a huge change in thinking and application so please embrace the positive change, we are wanting to ensure everyone enjoys their golf and if need be, send us an email on your thoughts so we can tweak this new concept if required.

Thank you and how great are our courses!

NGC Board