Course Cart Status Course Cart StatusCart Status: NO CARTS ON BOTH COURSES TUES 01/04


Seven Day / Intermediate Members

A person who has attained the age of 18 years to whom membership of the Association is open, and who desires to be admitted as an ordinary member, on payment of the prescribed entrance fee, may be admitted to membership of the Association as an ordinary member.

Intermediate Members are aged 18 to 24 years inclusive.

Five Day Members / Intermediate Members

Persons to whom membership of the Association is open, and who desire to be admitted as five day playing members, on payment of the prescribed entrance fee, may be admitted to membership of the Association as five day members. A five day has access to clubhouse amenities at all times when such access is available to ordinary members, but cannot play the course on Saturday or Sunday.

Junior Members

A junior member is any person under the age of 18 years, who, but for being under that age, would have been eligible for membership of the Association, is eligible for membership of the Junior Club. Junior members must be physically capable of completing 18 holes without aid within the pace of play policy guidelines of 4 hours 20 minutes.

Membership Application Form & Fee Schedule

Nudgee Golf Club – Bylaws