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Golf Course Construction Quarterly Report No.7 November, December 2020 and January 2021

Golf Course Construction Quarterly Report No.7

November, December 2020 and January 2021

A composite layout, including a further five of the newly constructed green’s, was opened for play in January and has given members the opportunity to play golf on a larger part of the re-developed courses. The new layout allows all members, regardless of which 9 you play, to play several new holes.

The project continues to progress as planned although the impact of rain in December & January has pushed Stage 3 completion back into March. Planning for Stage’s 4 and 5 has been completed and is due to start work in tandem with finishing off stage 3. The first part of this combined Stage 4/5 is tree clearing, which started in late January and was to have been concluded in February but wet ground conditions during the past few weeks has delayed the final part of this exercise. Members are reminded to check the local rules in regards to silt fencing and construction zones erected around the course. As ever, please follow the directions to keep out of these areas. It’s for your own safety.

Achievements in stage 3:

  • 9 new greens have been completed
  • 12 bunkers have been constructed
  • Over 66,000 square metres (sqm) of turf has been laid
  • new waterways have been built and connected to the existing network
  • 5,430sqm of Tif Eagle Stolons laid (new greens)
  • 65,168 tube stock, water reeds & trees have been planted
  • 601sqm of concrete paths have been established

Forecast vs Actuals

The Board can report that the forecast expenditure as presented to the members remains on track towards the end of stage 3 for the project. Included in this report are tables (Figures 2 & 4) and charts (Figures 1 & 3) that are a reference to actual progress and forecasts. The forecast cost of construction work remains at $15,000,000. Extension of time granted on the contract as at the end of January increased to a total of 81 days (at no cost). This is due to:

  1. 11 days being lost to rain

Fig 1 Below – Stage 1 & 2 completed with Stage 3 actual invoices paid along with the forecast targets and Total Project Forecast in key expense categories as at the end of January 2021.

The project contingency fund administered by the Board is at $162,065. As stated in quarterly report No. 5, a new tee complex with a redesign and construction of the 1st fairway was not included in the original scope of works. During stage 3, the fairway and tee element of this work is budgeted to be completed, with its cost of $146,560K being sourced from the contingency fund.

Below Table, Fig 2, Stage 3 Forecast and Remaining using actual invoices paid EOM January 2021

Fig. 2

Items Full Budget Stage 3 Forecast Actual Invoices Paid Committed Remaining Forecast
Civil Works/ Tree Removal/ Fencing $5,460,000 $1,747,200 $1,657,127 $90,073
Irrigation/ Drainage/ Pumps $2,365,000 $756,800 $731,133 $25,667
Grass/ Landscaping $2,751,000 $980,320 $944,587 $35,733
Water $1,500,000 $480,000 $79,628 $400,372
Contingency $458,000 $146,560 $146,560 $0
Consultants/ Labour $1,085,000 $247,200  $227,037 $20,163
Other – Cart paths/ Bridges/ Furniture $1,381,000 $441,920 $411,139 $30,781
Total $15,000,000 $4,800,000 $4,197,211 $602,789


Construction so far – (Fig 6)

The recent additional exposure of members to the new completed holes and the various temporary arrangements with the new greens have drawn many positive comments, mostly around the quality and challenge of the new golf courses. We have now planted over 174,000 plants of various description and type, including plants to the banks of the water bodies and some within the water bodies. There is now an increased emphasis on planting trees throughout areas of rough to provide more definition to the course, with 1,000 trees to be planted in the near future. Members will see 6ft wooden stakes in place to protect the new trees and the Board would like all members to please be mindful of these new trees when playing. With the growth of new plantings, greens, tees and fairways at a premium through the summer conditions, virtually every day gives us a better feel for how the overall course will look when fully established.


The Board would like to remind members, that the co-operation of members remains vitally important to keep the work site and course safe during construction. We must continue to be diligent about avoiding work zones. The importance of this will increase with the opening of more new holes, but again we ask, please follow the signs and stay out of the construction zones.

Below Chart (Fig 4) illustrates completed work Stage 1 & 2, Stage 3 Forecast, remaining estimates for the project.

End of Month January 2021. Fig.4

Items Full Budget Stage 1 & 2 & 3 Actual Stage 3 remaining Forecast Stage 4 & 5 Budget
Civil Works/ Tree Removal/ Fencing $5,460,000  $      4,529,539 $90,073 $840,388
Irrigation/ Drainage/ Pumps $2,365,000  $      1,833,919 $25,667 $505,414
Grass/ Landscaping $2,751,000  $      2,039,429 $35,733 $675,838
Water $1,500,000  $         236,565 $400,372 $863,063
Contingency $458,000  $         295,935 $0 $162,065
Consultants/ Labour $1,085,000  $         924,637 $20,163 $140,200
Other – Cart paths/ Bridges/ Furniture $1,381,000  $      1,079,259 $30,781 $270,960
Total $15,000,000 $10,939,283 $602,789 $3,457,928


Project Schedule

As mentioned earlier, Stage 3 works, the largest stage of the course redevelopment is close to being completed with the focus having been to build greens to capture the most favourable growing conditions through summer and coming months. The transition to Stage 4/5 has commenced with Tree Protection Zones in place and civil works started.

Stage 3 Complete

Golf Holes

Stage 3 works; West 2nd, 10th, 16th, 17th, East 2nd, 3rd greens complexes are complete, with work continuing on West 8th, 18th and West 9th along with various tees, fairways and water course realignment.

The West 2nd – Par 3 hole is complete and now in play.

The West 9th – Par 3 Green is complete and now in play.

The West 10th – Par 4 Green and 100m of fairway tees is complete and is in play as a temporary Par 3 with the full hole scheduled to be in play at the beginning of April.

The West 16th – Par 4 Green is now in play as a Par 3 waiting completion of the new tee block at the start of stage 4.

The West 17th Par 3 is complete and now in play.

The East 2nd – Par 3 is complete and will come into play this month.

The East 3rd – Par 4 is complete and will come into play this month.

Irrigation System

The new irrigation pumps and control station have been installed in the maintenance shed. The irrigation system, when fully operational, will have the capacity to deliver 80ltr of water per second compared to the current system of 8ltr per second.

Tree Protection and Clearing

In compliance with the Brisbane City Council (BCC) Natural Assets Local Law (NALL) requirements, tree protection zone fencing for stage 4/5 has is largely in place.

Stage 4/5 Timing

Stage 4/5 works (Fig 6) will complete the remaining 2 holes on the west course and 7 holes on the east course. The area includes the old North 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 15th, 16th & 17th holes with approximately 30 weeks of work for the two stages. Fig 6 below indicates the size of the next stage with the remaining new greens to be built during this stage.

We are collaborating closely with the civil contractors and our architect, James Wilcher with regards to the next stage and what holes can be available for play during this period. This has meant that the configuration of holes to play will be changing (sometimes from week to week) to suit the best holes available for play. Whilst this is an exciting period, with the opportunity to play new holes as they become ready for golf, it is equally important to ensure all members follow the directional signs. Members must book into timesheets for either competition or social play and check into the golf shop upon arrival to ensure you play the correct holes. This will be vitally important to managing the safety of all members whilst on site.

Fig 6

If you have any questions please see any Board member or Darren in the office.

The Board, Nudgee Golf Club
