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Course OPEN - Driving Range OPEN

From the President – David Beard

I would like to express my sincere congratulations to the Nudgee Golf Club Members, Staff and Sponsors for hosting a magnificent Queensland PGA. Once again, NGC rose to the occasion of delivering a very high quality and challenging golf course.  Matching this was the way Nudgee Staff and our wonderful volunteers worked tirelessly to ensure the event ran smoothly.

The atmosphere both Saturday and Sunday around the 18th green was truly electrifying.  Well done to the PGA for bringing the tees forward on the 18th and the pin in the front left bowl area on Saturday.  This certainly fuelled the excitement for a hole in one and despite it not happening, the children and the patrons hung on every shot rolling back to the pin.

Great stuff and every Nudgee member should be very proud of the many positive comments coming out of the PGA hierarchy and greater golfing community.


A lot of discussion around the Club in recent times has been about the lack of water issue from members to Board level. What I can tell you from a layman’s perspective is we are entering a period whereby our weather patterns will not be favourable to rainfall.  With this in mind, we have recommenced discussions with Government and private entities on how we can get additional water.  There is a lot to be done and it won’t happen overnight.

Options that are potentially available to us are effluent from the Sandgate Sewerage Treatment Plant, effluent from the Luggage Point Sewerage treatment plant (via Brisbane airport) or potentially, establishing our own desalination plant, treating water from that wonderful catchment of Moreton Bay.

Each option comes with environmental and Government compliance challenges, not to mention the significant financial cost, so it’s not as simple as we may think.  If any member has a genuine interest and capability to follow up their ideas to deliver a proposal of some sort, I will sincerely welcome you contacting me and discussing further.

Driving Range Update

As you have all probably noticed, the plans to build a new Driving Range have stalled for the time being.  This is simply a decision the Board made to ensure if we needed to continue to buy water, we would be in the best financial position to do so.

We have spoken to the contractors who fully understand our predicament and have kindly put our project on hold until we are confident, we can afford the project whilst maintaining our two quality courses.

In the interim, we have been able to set up the artificial mats in a temporary location and are planning to have the golf ball dispensing machine relocated back at the range.  A few members have suggested “warm up nets” and whilst the Board would welcome this asset and member service, we are also mindful of where to build them without understanding the full picture of how we want our club house and car park precinct to look into the future.

Clubhouse Concept Plan

Feedback from the survey also indicated the necessity to ‘polish’ up our clubhouse precinct to match the beautiful courses, so we are looking to engage an architect to develop a concept plan that the Club could work towards.

I think this is an exciting and very necessary process so that when we start to consider car park extensions, warm up nets, relocated golf shop, increased financial opportunities such as golf simulator machines, office space for rent and improved outdoor ‘al fresco’ café area, to ensure we get it right from the start.

Amitee – Date Claimer

9th & 10th March 2024

Over the years, members from Muirfield, Amstel, Tea Tree Gully and Nudgee Golf Clubs have met on a rotational basis to challenge each other to the noble game of golf.

2024 will see Nudgee host the 52nd staging of this event. The two day event will be, Saturday 9th March and Sunday 10th March.

In the coming weeks the details of the event will be released with members being able to register and play in this event.

Champions’ Dinner 2nd Dec

I would like to encourage as many members as possible to come along to our 2023 Nudgee Golf Club Champions’ Dinner.

Dinner to be held on Saturday 2nd December from 6pm.

This event was once a great highlight in the NGC calendar and took a back seat during the ‘COVID’ era.  It is the Board’s intention to acknowledge once again, our magnificent Honour Board winners, amidst other proud Nudgee members, whilst enjoying an exciting and entertaining dinner.

We are just in the final stages of planning the evening. Our host Fred Lang entertaining us with a myriad of golfing stories from around the PGA, congratulating our winners, finishing with a DJ and dancing.  Tickets are available online or through the office/ Golf Shop.

Volunteer Days

Lastly, some of you may have noticed a new volunteering opportunity at the Nudgee Golf Club.

To start with, each Monday from 7am to 10am, I am facilitating as many volunteers as possible to help with a few jobs that will not only support our wonderful greens staff, but ensure our two courses continue to look magnificent.

To date, we have done this once with 12 volunteers walking the Kurrai fairways and filling in all the divots.

We had a great time that finished with good conversation and laughter over a coffee in the club house.

In terms of assisting the Club by volunteering, there are a few principles involved:

  • Those offering their time need to be prepared to act under the direction of the Course Superintendent – we are not offering an opportunity for Club members to come along and tell the greens staff how to do their job
  • Good ideas are always welcome, but again, these will need to be put through a process – talk to the volunteer co-ordinator and they will discuss the merits of the idea with the Course Superintendent
  • Understanding that this is truly a voluntary effort and while your involvement will be deeply appreciated by your fellow members, no additional entitlements will be attached to the effort.

If you are interested in assisting with filling divots on fairways and tees, reducing encroachment onto the greens by removing couch runners, raking bunkers, please come along.

What a round of Golf!

Have you ever witnessed anything like this?

Golf Australia QLD amateur Tyler Duncan lit up the course at Nudgee Golf Club Incorporated in the Tuesday competition on November 15th.

Playing off a handicap of +5, yes +5 Tyler had 7 birdies and 3 eagles to have 44 points, but more importantly not only break, but smash the 60 barrier.

Well done Tyler and we look forward to watching your next incredible scorecard!

On one last personal note, thank you sincerely to the numerous members who have supported the Board and its recent personnel changes.  The new Captain had some enormous shoes to fill, not to mention the new President, but we are forging ahead with exciting plans to make NGC the best in the country.  All the best with your own golfing experiences.

David Beard – President