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COVID Restrictions Extended

The Premier announced that as a result of further locally acquired cases detected in the community, the current restrictions impacting the previously noted LGAs in South East Queensland will continue for a further week, until 6:00am, Friday 23 July 2021.

Specific to Clubs, this means:

  • masks must continue to be worn indoors, except for while seated and eating or drinking. Masks must also continue to be worn outdoors where physical distancing is not possible;
  • patron density limits of one person per four square meters indoors and one person per two square meters outdoors;
  • patrons must be seated while eating and drinking;
  • there can be up to 100 people attended weddings and funerals; and
  • there is no dancing, except at weddings.

For additional information, the latest Roadmap to Easing Restrictions which can be accessed by clicking here and the Public Health Direction which can be accessed by clicking here.

Nudgee will continue ensuring members are checking into the club using the Check-In Queensland App.

Thank you for your continued cooperation – The Board NGC