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Course OPEN - Driving Range OPEN

Course development update – August 2019

Time of Project

We have agreed to an extension of time (at no cost) of 12 days due to the rubbish found (10 days) and 2 days of rain in July.

Next Stage Timing

At this point in time it looks like we will be playing some holes early in the New Year, depending on weather. As we move through stage 1 and onto stage 2 we will have some new complete holes and ½ holes to play. The compliance with our NALL (a BCC process that allows for work on flora and fauna) will see Tree Protection Zone Fencing erected in December. As soon as BCC approves our stage 2 NALL, work will proceed.


The Board is very grateful for all members corporation in this area. Please follow the signs, and stay out of the construction zones. We would like to see this focus continue throughout the project for everyone’s safety.

Construction so far:
The first turf has now been laid in the E7th and W6th greens zone including:

  • Zoysia to the edges of all finished bunkers;
  • Wintergreen to fairways and green surrounds;
  • Tifeagle stolons to the greens,

The following holes will be next to be turfed 12W, 4W (green complex), 13W (tees), the 7W hole is being shaped with the 14thW & 8W soon to start. There is a 12-16 week grown in period for the greens and as they get stolonised.