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Course OPEN - Driving Range OPEN

Course Construction – Stage F

As foreshadowed at the 2021 AGM, through the combination of careful project management, prudent business practice and ideal weather to build golf courses, our Club is in a position to proceed with the redevelopment of the holes that were outside the original scope of the project. We are in a position to do this without any need to raise debt or to come to the members for additional funding.

Our entire complex when completed will be world-class. There won’t be a “better” course within our facility – we will have two amazing courses. Both will offer challenges for golfers of all abilities, on beautifully maintained surfaces. Thanks to the brilliant design from James Wilcher’s Golf by Design, our courses will present interest and challenges from tee to green. Both courses will benefit from fit-for-purpose irrigation and engineered drainage. Every hole across the complex will have new tees, fairways, bunkers and greens. All putting surfaces will be grassed with tiff eagle.

Stage ‘F for Finish’ has already commenced in some areas – members will recently have seen the new waterway across the old 12 North.

In the next week or so, Flemming civil machines will start rebuilding our old 10 and 18 North. They will then move out to the far south corner of the property and work back to the driving range, creating magic as they go!

Their work program, based on expected weather conditions should see them moving off Nudgee Golf Club in February or March, leaving us with a couple of months of watching grass grow, before we emerge as arguably Brisbane’s best-golfing complex in the second quarter of 2022.

East 1

East 4

East 5

East 8

East 10

East 17

East 18