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Course Friday 14th March COURSE CLOSED - Driving Range OPEN from 6am Friday 14th March

Course Construction Report #10

This is the 10th report on our course redevelopment project and it encompasses the full quarter from August to October as well as the final two months of the calendar year, given that activities during that period were quite limited due to wet weather.

The Board can report that the forecast expenditure as presented to the members remains on track for stages 4/5 & F.  As we move towards the end of the combined Stages of 4 & 5,  we commenced Stage F during a very wet Spring, the projected works’ completion date for all stages is now at the end of April 2022 weather permitting. This should see Nudgee GC back to 36 holes in July.

The final square meter of fairway turf was laid on The Kurrai golf course on 12th October 2021. This was the final piece of a complex construction jigsaw that will see The Kurrai course become Australia’s latest tournament standard golf course when we host the Queensland PGA tournament during the week commencing 17 January.

Please find full report here – Quarterly Report No 10 End of December 2021