Course Cart Status Course Cart StatusCart Status: ON
Course OPEN - Driving Range OPEN

Club Update – Restrictions apply from Monday 9 August 2021 – Members Only, Social Golf Only

Monday 9th August 202, Nudgee GC will come out of lockdown with members-only social golf. Please check the bookings page for updated daily information on course access. Update – From Tuesday single competitions will be played.

Strong restrictions will continue to apply for the next two weeks, including:

  1. Members-only from Monday 9th until a review of this will be conducted during the week.
  2. The driving range will remain closed, with an opening date to be advised later in the week.
  3. All major club events will be cancelled including the Nudgee Masters.

As per direction from Queensland Government, golf is permitted as a form of exercise.
•       4 players per group

•       Physical distancing must be maintained

•       Heightened hygiene practices must be maintained

•       Masks must be worn when outdoors if you are unable to stay more than 1.5m distance from other people.

•       No major club competitions, no open days, no interclub events, no prize presentations, no rakes in bunkers, no NTPS’s, flagsticks to remain in

•       1 player per cart (unless members of the same household)

•       Players should AVOID travel to regional Queensland to play golf

•       Golf coaching is permitted (masks must be worn, no clinics)


•       masks must continue to be worn indoors, except for while seated and eating or drinking. Masks must also continue to be worn outdoors where physical distancing is not possible;
•       patron density limits of one (1) person per four (4) square meters indoors and one (1) person per two (2) square meters outdoors;
•       patrons must be seated while eating and drinking;
•       there can be up to 20 people attend weddings and funerals; and
•       there is no dancing, except at weddings.

Thank you to all members for their patience in these times, stay safe and wash your hands

The Board NGC