Course Cart Status Course Cart StatusCart Status: NO CARTS ON BOTH COURSES TUES 01/04

Membership FAQ

Membership Applications

How long does it take to approve my application for membership?

A new member is admitted as soon as the application form is submitted to the office, once details have been entered into the membership database an e-mail with the invoice for fees is generated and sent. Access is granted once Fees are paid in Full.

The membership applications are then approved at the monthly Board of Directors meeting. Following approval at the Board meeting, the member is emailed a notification advising their application has been formally approved.

The Club Financial Year runs from 1st October to 30th September. When a member joins outside this financial year period, the subscription component of the annual fees is pro rata monthly so that members are not paying for the months of the year prior to their joining.

How can I obtain a proposer and seconder for my application form if I do not know any members?

We don’t require a proposer or seconder when joining Nudgee Golf Club

Can I pay my nomination fee and subscription fees in installments?

The Entrance Fee is due in full. The subscription fees may be paid in two instalments, this attracts an additional administration fee.

A further option is through a company called Pay As You Golf that enables members to pay their fees monthly via direct debit or credit, refer to for further details. Essentially, Pay As You Golf pay all your fees upfront to the Club, then debit your nominated account monthly.


What is a handicap?

A Handicap is the average score over par each time you play a competition game of golf. Handicaps are used for each competition game and allow players of all abilities to compete on an equal basis.

Men’s handicap ranges from 0 – 36 and ladies from 0 – 45. Player’s handicaps are adjusted following each competition game based on their score.

What is Golflink?

GolfLink is a national internet database managed and affiliated with Golf Australia (National Governing Body for Golf Clubs and Members). GolfLink adjusts each person’s handicap after each competition game. Members are allocated a 10 digit personalised number, this number is used to log onto the GolfLink website and view competition rounds and adjusted handicap.

Visit Golf Australia’s website for further details.

Nudgee Golf Club GolfLink prefix is 40109 and is printed on your membership card.

I have previously been a member at another club, what happens to my handicap?

Under Golf Australia handicapping rules if you last held a handicap up to 10 years ago, that handicap will be reinstated.

If you last held a handicap over 10 yeas ago you will need to apply for a new handicap, (please refer to question 8 below).

I am currently a member at another club and intend to join Nudgee, what happens to my handicap?

Your current handicap will be transferred from your old club to Nudgee and a new Nudgee GolfLink number will be allocated.

All competition rounds from your previous club will be shown on the GolfLink website and your handicap will remain the same.

Please supply your Golflink number on the application form for membership.

I do not have a handicap, how do I obtain one?

Members obtain a handicap by playing 3 completed rounds of 18 holes with a person who holds a current Golf Australia handicap.

Score cards used to obtain a handicap can be social games or played in a club competition. The best score (gross over par) out of the 3 games will determine your starting handicap.

You must return the 3 score cards to the Golf Shop after each round.

Bookings & Competitions

What day and time can I book into a competition?

All competition and social play time sheets are currently released online 8 days prior to the event day at 1:00pm.

How do I book into a competition?

Options to book into a competition:

Log onto the Club Website or Membership App and book in through the Members Area, details on how to log on are on the website,

Telephone the Golf Shop on 3267 5885.

In person at the Golf Shop.

How much does it cost members to play in a competition and social / practice games?

Entry to each competition is $13.00. Unlimited social and practice rounds are included in the membership subscription (annual) fees.

How are competition prizes allocated and redeemed?

Credits are allocated to member’s Trophy Account, which is automatically linked to the members’ membership cards.

Credits can be redeemed at the Golf Shop, Clubhouse Food or Beverage areas by presentation of your membership card.

Visitors or guests who compete in a competition are allocated funds to a trophy account automatically and redemption is from the Golf Shop.

Do I have to book if I just want to play a social game?

Yes, please book online and most importantly when arriving at the course, please check in with the pro shop to re-confirm the tee is clear for play.

Can I invite a guest to play in a competition or a social game and if so, what are the costs?

Member’s are able to invite guests to play everyday with the exception of Saturday, which is Member’s only.

We run competitions everyday of the week and if guests have a active Golflink number and handicap, they will be able to participate in the competition of the day.

Member’s are able to book guests in competitions through the website or app. It will just ask for their Golflink number at the time of booking.

Guest’s competition fees are calculated at a Members Guests rate plus the Comp Fee.

Club Operations

What time is the office open?

The office is open Monday – Friday 9:00am to 5.00pm.

The office is closed on Public Holidays.

What time is the bar / kitchen open?

Saturday & Sunday 6:00am

Monday to Friday 7:30am

The bar and kitchen are closed on Good Friday and Christmas Day. Weather conditions can contribute to opening and closing times.

What time do the golf courses and pro shop open?

The Pro Shop is open at 5:30am everyday. The Golf Courses are open at 6:00 am.

Golf courses and Pro Shop are closed on Good Friday and Christmas Day.

Is nudgee golf club reciprocal with any other clubs?

Yes, Nudgee has a large number of reciprocal arrangements with clubs throughout Australia and overseas.

Visit our Reciprocal Clubs page for more information.

Can I bring my own motorised buggy onto the premises and if so, how much do I have to pay?

Members may use their own motorised golf cart provided they have public liability insurance for its usage. Currently no fee is charged.

Is there an ATM at the club for cash out?

Yes, it is located in the foyer area and is available from approximately 9:00am to 5.00pm daily. The ATM is emptied each night.

Are there any lockers available to house golf clubs and motorised buggies?

There are no storage facilities to house members’ golf equipment such as golf clubs and pull buggy. The Club does have facilities to house members motorised golf carts, there is currently a waiting list for more spaces.

There are lockers available in the member’s locker room and cost is $30.00 per annum. The lockers are approximately 80cm x 40cm x 40cm, sufficient room for a change of clothing items, pair of shoes, handbags, toiletries etc. but not for large enough for golf equipment.

What are the practice facilities and what do they cost?

The Club has the following practice facilities:

  • 275 metre driving range with natural grass tee areas
  • 100 metre pitching area with bunkers
  • 2 separate practice putting greens.

A Ball Dispenser is located at the Driving Range to purchase Golf balls. Members may use their own golf balls at the other practice facilities at no cost.

Does the club have keno, tab or billiard tables?

No Keno, Tab or billiard tables are available.


The Clubhouse including the Golf Course surrounds is deemed by the Queensland Office of Liquor & Gaming Act for Community Clubs.  We are Licenced to sell Liquor from 7:00am to Midnight only.  Licensing restrictions and Club Policy prohibit Alcohol being brought onto the premises.

We are also governed by Queensland Office of Liquor & Gaming for safe Practices which we are required to ensure strict compliance to all Policies as they are issued.

Does the club offer evening dining?


Do members receive a discount on food and beverage, and pro shop purchases?

Members receive a discount on Golf Shop, Food and Beverage purchases when using their Membership Card (refer Question 12 above).

Does the club offer discounts for members to host private functions, either birthday parties, engagement parties, wedding, seminar, business breakfast / lunch?

Yes, contact the office for details.

What does the insurance component in the membership fees cover me for?

Golf Australia

What does the policy cover? 
The policy covers the legal liability that an eligible member of an affiliated club may incur while
playing or practicing golf. It provides coverage for up to $20 million of liability for any one
This includes accidental injury or damage you may cause to someone else or their property for
which you were found to have caused, subject to the Exclusions of the Policy, some of which are
outlined below.
This coverage is provided automatically to individual club members although members are under
no obligation to engage this insurance policy in the event of an incident.

What is not covered by this policy? 
While this is not exhaustive, this policy does not cover:
• Any third-party damage or personal injury caused by non-member (ie. green fee player);
• A member’s own equipment for damage or loss;
• A member’s own personal injuries sustained on a golf course;
• Any damage that you cause to a cart that you own, hire or borrow; and
• Actions that deliberately cause damage or injury and are determined to be wilful

Further information on the Players Liability Policy including documentation and a list of
frequently asked questions is available here <LINK>  
If you have any questions about this policy, I encourage you to reach out to us via

The excess is $1,000.

Is my car covered by insurance at the club?

No.  The car park is a public car park.  Any damage to a vehicle parked at Nudgee Golf Club is not the responsibility of the Club.

Members need to contact their personal insurance company for any claims.