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Course OPEN - Driving Range OPEN

3 Day Lock Down – Course and Club House Closed

This morning, the Deputy Premier announced that as of 4pm this afternoon, Saturday 31 July 2021, the South East Queensland LGAs of Brisbane, Gold Coast, Ipswich, Lockyer Valley, Logan City, Moreton Bay, Noosa, Redland City, Scenic Rim, Somerset and Sunshine Coast, will go into snap three day lockdown.

At this stage, this will be effective until 4pm, Tuesday 3 August 2021.

Residents living in the above areas must stay at home and can only leave their residence for the following four key reasons:

• to buy essentials like groceries or medications within 10km of your home;

• to work or study, if you can’t do either from home;

• to exercise in your local area (with no more than one person outside your household) within 10km of your home; or

• to receive healthcare, including to get a COVID-19 test or vaccination, or to provide care, or support to a vulnerable person.

NOTE: The QLD Chief Health Officer, Dr Jeannette Young has confirmed that due to the stricter lockdown restrictions the playing of golf is not permitted as a form of exercise over the next three days.

Clubs located in the above LGAs will be required to close.

It has also been confirmed with Queensland Government that Golf Club and Facility staff/volunteers that are essential to the running of the business during the lockdown and are unable to work from home (i.e. Course staff) are permitted to continue working at the Golf Club/Facility through the lockdown.

Again, these actions are extreme, but deemed necessary by Queensland Health as we are dealing with the highly infectious delta strain of COVID-19.

Thank you for your continued cooperation – The Board NGC