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Course OPEN - Driving Range OPEN

3 day Lock Down – Clubhouse Closed, Golf Course Open in groups of 2 – Need to Re-Book from 5pm Today, Monday 29th March

From 5pm today until 5pm on Thursday, 1 April 2021, the Greater Brisbane area will go into lockdown for three days. In line with this advice, NGC will temporarily close the Clubhouse. The Course will remain open with members only and pre-booking essential. We will continue to provide updates as new information becomes available.

You must wear a mask in indoor spaces eg Golf Shop, it is strongly recommended you wear a mask when outdoors if you are unable to stay more than 1.5m distance from other people.

Extract from QLD Gov website:

“sport is permitted, such as golf and tennis, limited to two people outdoors, with physical distancing observed.”

Golf Timesheets – Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday timesheets will be deleted. Please re-book in groups of 2 from 5pm today.

Stay Safe – The NGC Board